Sunday, November 3, 2013

Was today our Indian Summer?

I'm not sure what the temperature has to be to call it Indian Summer, but I suspect today was as good as it's going to get this year.  When Barb called to see if I wanted to join her and Bill on a ride to the beach I jumped at the chance.

After helping to pick a few sauna rocks,  I left her on the beach to take pictures of footprints in the sand.

I decided to give my aching knee a break and not come back down these steps once I hauled my buckets of rocks to the top.

Instead, I spent my time wandering around in the park enjoying the sound of the dry leaves crunching under my feet.

On such a beautiful day, it was hard to believe that November has arrived and it won't be very long before these leaves are covered with snow.

There are still a few trees that are refusing to give up their leaves.

I haven't spent much time with my sewing machine all summer, but on the cold rainy days we've had I've started to cut out fabric and play a little bit - so I suspect I'll find time soon to start stitching.

All this color will have to be my sunshine for awhile.

Monday, August 5, 2013

Summer Fun

I posted a picture of Wendy and Elizabeth on facebook - when they saw it they wanted me to post more of their pictures so I thought I'd do it here.

It was a perfect evening to relax at the beach.  Too cool to swim, but warm enough to play.  I don't relax much when the kids are in the water and I'm in charge, so this worked for me.

Brian found a fort on the hill and patiently spent the evening hauling flat rocks to make a floor inside.  He's pick up a rock, throw it a few feet, and continue this until it was close enough to carry into the fort.

Meanwhile, the girls set about making their own house on the beach --

with a little "help" from Mark.

I'm not sure what this other project was - other than good times.

When I tried to get a picture of Wendy and Elizabeth - they just wanted to goof around.

Fun times - I wish some of my grandkids would move to the Copper Country. I sure have no desire to move to the city.

Friday, June 28, 2013

Before and After

I thought I'd sneak in one more post before the month ends - just to keep in touch!  No quilting projects to report - but I did have some fun with a sample can of Annie Sloan Chalk Paint.  

Here's what my small end table looked like before -

The before picture was taken back in March - but it wasn't until my sister and brother-in-law started moving in on my block that I got motivated to work on it.  They've been full of energy painting walls and ceilings at their new house - and since I didn't feel like helping with that major project, I thought I better do something so that I could have the excuse that "I'm busy!"  

All painted up, I'm quite happy with the results.

The color is Versailles - followed by a coat of clear wax.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Al's Graduation

Not much time for stitching this month - I suppose it'll be that way until September.

There was a lot of rain on the day of the graduation party (Sharyn and I got drenched on our walk home from a rained out grade school field day) - but you wouldn't know it by this picture.  The skies cleared so that the graduates, families, and friends all had a good time.

Graduation was held at the Breslin Center on the MSU Campus in Lansing.  

With about 600 graduates, it was close to a full house. 

Where's Waldo?

and there's Jim - he appears to be texting Phil again.

Al tried to get me to smile for a picture.

Kisses work best.

Friday, May 10, 2013

Just another baby quilt

I had no progress to report for April and apparently someone was checking my blog and noticed.  I started feeling guilty so thought I better get something done.

I was sorting through my fabric and came across some pieces that were left over after making Andrew's quilt almost three years ago.  There was just enough left to put together a small quilt.

After using a few scraps to dress up the back, I think I had less than 10 square inches left - I had no guilt about pitching it.

The weather cooperated so I could get a picture outdoors before I gave it away.

Monday, April 1, 2013

March Progress Report

I only finished one of my stitching goals for March (goals which had been moved forward from February).  My goal was to quilt and bind this one.  I sort of exceeded that goal by making it larger before I did the quilting and binding - maybe that excuses me for not meeting the rest of my goals.

I had a difficult time getting a decent picture.  I'll be glad when the snow is gone and I can get back to my clothes lines!

In keeping with the scrappiness, I backed it with a sheet I found at a garage sale last spring;

and I managed to find a large enough piece of a favorite fabric to use for binding.

Although I don't have a photo of this second one completely finished - it was another finish for March.  A cooperative effort with my sister - she did the final steps and sent it off.

For April, my hope is to empty my sewing room and have new flooring installed.  That just might mean I don't get any sewing done - it'll be a big project.  I'll concentrate on my hand stitching projects in my down time, but those are long term goals - nothing that will be completed in April.  Obviously a new floor is more important than any stitching I would do.

If I manage to get my sewing room organized in order to do this - it's a bonus!

Sunday, March 17, 2013

What Did You Do on National Quilting Day?

Which was yesterday - in case you didn't know.

It dawned on me in the morning that half of the month was gone and I hadn't even started on the quilting goals that I had already moved from February to March.  I decided National Quilting Day would be a good time to make an effort.

This scrappy log cabin quilt, which I put together last August, was one that I had hoped to quilt and bind.

Then I realized the reason I kept avoiding it was because I really wanted it to be bigger.  At 42x56 it might be nice enough for a child's napping quilt but I'd rather have it large enough for me - or someone closer to my size at least.

So yesterday I set about to add another column and another row to it.   It's now 56 x 70 - good enough.

I'll put the quilting and binding on my list of April goals while I decide what would work as a backing.  Til then I need to spend some time cleaning up the mess I made of my sewing room on National Quilting Day.

Friday, March 1, 2013

February's Lack of Progress

I didn't meet any of the sewing goals I posted for February -- didn't do a stitch.  For two of the weeks, I was busy helping to care for my mom after she had a fall.  We finally got her settled into a nursing home on Friday to get some therapy.  I don't know what my excuse could be for the rest of the month - I just kept procrastinating.  And it was a short month.

But the month wasn't a total loss.  I did manage to finish two small weaving projects.  My first attempts at weaving - and I really enjoyed it.

 I used a blue and white striped sheet for this one - strips cut on the bias.  I like the design that was created from the stripes.  The gold/white part was also a striped sheet, but was cut on the straight grain.

 They're both about the same size - perfect for a small table runner.

I'll shove the February goals into March and see if I have better luck.  It is a longer month.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

February Photo Hunt Day 2 - Entrance

The entrance to  my basement doesn't get used very often - it's unusual to have it shoveled out.  I cringe if I have to go through here - spiders and cobwebs take over from lack of use.  This week I had a flood in my basement so I had to sweep out the cobwebs for the guy who grinds roots out of sewer lines.  Actually I swept it out a few days earlier when I purchased a new washing machine -- thinking my old one had caused the flood.  Next week has to be better.

Friday, February 1, 2013

Getting it Done in January

Here are my completed quilting goals for January - I managed to finish all of them.  Wouldn't it be nice if the rest of 2013 would be that productive.

I finished quilting the blue quilt in the middle - and got all three bound.  The two on the right are waiting to see if the February grandbaby will be a boy or a girl.

I also made another baby boy quilt - and passed it on to a new great nephew to snuggle.

I even managed to get started on what may be a QOV.

Even more fun than meeting my goals was the opportunity to take a weaving class at the Calumet Art Center.  It's always fun to learn a new craft.  Many years ago my dad made a table loom and it's been sitting in my attic waiting for me to retire.

It may sit there a bit longer.  Apparently it went to the attic via the old stairway that has since been made into a closet.  It's a bit too wide to fit through my newer drop down stairway.

Fortunately I was able to rent a loom at the art center to work with.  Here's what I have done so far - what a fun way to use up some of my quilting scraps!

 My goals for February:

  1. Finish my weaving project.
  2. Baste and quilt low value log cabin quilt
  3. Baste and quilt one more baby quilt.
  4. Baste one more quilt top - not sure yet which one I'll pick.
I think its doable!

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

What's Cooking Wednesday - Week 5

I did consider wimping out on this one - after all, tofu was the ingredient!  Never tasted it and it wasn't on my bucket list.  I decided to give it a try anyway and dug around on the internet trying to find something that I thought I could handle.  I came up with this recipe for Tofu Chocolate Mousse from Martha Stewart.

It was very easy to make and wasn't that hard to eat, although it wasn't as sweet as I like my sweets.  A little dollop of whipped cream helped that.  I'm linking up to Judy at Patchwork Times - check there to see what recipes you can try using tofu!

I continue trying to "find the time" in 2013.  In addition to trying new recipes, one goal I had now that I'm retired was to go through some of the crafty books I've purchased over the years and try something new.  For my first attempt, I dug out this book and used the technique to make a little chair pad.

It was a fun to try something new - and it took about 50 feet of 3/16" rope for that little pad.