Monday, August 5, 2013

Summer Fun

I posted a picture of Wendy and Elizabeth on facebook - when they saw it they wanted me to post more of their pictures so I thought I'd do it here.

It was a perfect evening to relax at the beach.  Too cool to swim, but warm enough to play.  I don't relax much when the kids are in the water and I'm in charge, so this worked for me.

Brian found a fort on the hill and patiently spent the evening hauling flat rocks to make a floor inside.  He's pick up a rock, throw it a few feet, and continue this until it was close enough to carry into the fort.

Meanwhile, the girls set about making their own house on the beach --

with a little "help" from Mark.

I'm not sure what this other project was - other than good times.

When I tried to get a picture of Wendy and Elizabeth - they just wanted to goof around.

Fun times - I wish some of my grandkids would move to the Copper Country. I sure have no desire to move to the city.