Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Photo Challenge Day 20 - What I Read

It's a bit of a stretch to say I actually read these books, but I have spent hours looking at the pictures.

Looking at pictures may not fill me with knowledge, but it does inspire me.

Don't forget -- Spring has arrived!!  This quilt is sitting here waiting to snuggle up with the first new baby girl born this Spring.

Just call or leave a comment on my blog to claim it.


  1. it is gratifying to sit with a book and browse isn't it?
    someone is going to be real lucky!!

  2. Hi Carol- I was wondering if anyone claimed this quilt yet? We had a baby girl -Brietta Kate 2 weeks ago on April 11th. My sister in law mentioned this to me so I figured I better check it out! - Renee Keranen

    1. You're the first to come forward Renee. I'm downstate right now but I'll be sure that it finds its way to you as soon as I return home next week. I'm glad the quilt will finally have a little baby to cuddle!

  3. Awesome!! It is beautiful!! Can't wait to snuggle Brietta up with it! :) Thanks so much! :) -Renee
