Monday, April 1, 2013

March Progress Report

I only finished one of my stitching goals for March (goals which had been moved forward from February).  My goal was to quilt and bind this one.  I sort of exceeded that goal by making it larger before I did the quilting and binding - maybe that excuses me for not meeting the rest of my goals.

I had a difficult time getting a decent picture.  I'll be glad when the snow is gone and I can get back to my clothes lines!

In keeping with the scrappiness, I backed it with a sheet I found at a garage sale last spring;

and I managed to find a large enough piece of a favorite fabric to use for binding.

Although I don't have a photo of this second one completely finished - it was another finish for March.  A cooperative effort with my sister - she did the final steps and sent it off.

For April, my hope is to empty my sewing room and have new flooring installed.  That just might mean I don't get any sewing done - it'll be a big project.  I'll concentrate on my hand stitching projects in my down time, but those are long term goals - nothing that will be completed in April.  Obviously a new floor is more important than any stitching I would do.

If I manage to get my sewing room organized in order to do this - it's a bonus!


  1. Congrats on so much accomplished in two very busy months for you. Can't wait to see the floor project.

  2. Those quilts are awesome and a new floor in your sewing room is an exciting prospect!

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